Monday, May 19, 2008


So I am a thinker. I love music, poetry, late night conversations, and art because it forces me to think. It offers me a different insight than what I would have normally thought of. Lately, I have been thinking about chance. Its chance that has got me to where I am. I have always skimmed the top in everything I do and it's due to chance. If I have a bill that is coming close, its chance that allowed me to have a good day at serving or I might get money from something I was never planning on getting. When I think about school, its chance that brought me to Augsburg. Its chances in my life that has caused me to be where I am. I am not saying that there hasn't been some thought on my part but a lot of it is because of chance. I am sick of chance. I am sick of not expressing my thoughts because of fear. I am tired of waiting for something "great" to happen.

But where do I start? Chance is all I have.

1 comment:

Yumi Lover said...

What "great" thing are you waiting for? And maybe chance *is* the starting point. Maybe the problem isn't that chance is all you have, it's that you are given all of these chances to make something happen and you haven't acted on them. Maybe.