Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We speak in riddles, rhymes, and lies. Stuck between reality and what we like to think is our own reality. This is what we have known to become truth. I was watching the movie, "V for Vendetta" the other day and I realized how deep that movie is. It is such a great movie. What do we find to be truth? What is truth? Have we became so programmed in our thoughts that in all actuality what we know is nothing at all? Hmmm....Well, that is a little to deep for me. But, anyways, I digress. The movie really hits a lot of interesting topics. Love, hate, politics, religion, and so on. 

The image I choose is what I thought to be one of the most influential and important scenes of the movie. This is that point when you let go of everything you thought to be truth. It is a time to re-program our own thoughts and identities and choose for ourselves. I am who I am because of you.

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